Links to the playlists we compiled the past few weeks
We are music lovers. Everyone who works here stans music and has an opinion on it. In case you have not noticed, we have been putting together songs for you. We want to open the door to what we love listening to and to what we think is good music. This is our way of thanking you for letting us in when we knock. We say this because music is a personal reflection of what lies within a person. These past few weeks we opened the door to who we are; we showed you a little of what we think.
5 Songs after a 5 day weekend
Upon our return from The 2021 Easter Weekend, we shared a playlist with you that comes from our SA Creatives family. These are the songs that creative members of our family listen to while creating. In addition, these are the songs that lead them into spaces where creativity is born.
Artists We Think You Should Be Listening To Already
We know that you know that South Africa, but we thought that we should remind you with the songs we added to this playlist. Our team also thinks that these are songs you should already be listening to. If you are not, what are you waiting for?
Our fav amapiano tracks
We dance to amapiano at groove. As a nation, we can all agree that it has become a genre of music that has brought many of us together. This is a playlist with amapiano tracks we think are the best of the best.
Liquideep’s Best
When we think of throwback music, we start singing along to Liquideep’s best songs. Alone, Still, Welcome Aboard, Fairytale and Settle For Less are Liquideep’s iconic songs. This is why we put them here.