One thing that has been a barrier in the fashion industry is the lack of inclusivity and diversity. The two factors have long been pervasive issues in the fashion game, not only for aspiring designers, but also for well-known designers themselves. Despite the challenges faced, one designer who’s spirit is always sawn tightly with hope is Lucky Makume.
Lucky, a street stylist and designer is reimagining concepts that we deemed as ”old”, into timeless pieces and concepts. In short, Lucky Makume aka ‘Keylahpunk” is a demonstration of the end-product of when discussions around fashion are as diverse as the real world. In a world where almost everything is a duplicate of something that once was, Lucky has demonstrated a more ‘out of the box’ creative concept by designing clothing that will make you stop and admire his work anytime you see it.
This design phenom hails all the way from the outskirts of Joburg South, a small township called Orange Farm. What makes the stylist a person of interest is the fact that he comes from a not-so well-developed community, but his designs are futuristic and are class-A premium concepts.
Lucky creates real works of art and remains true to aesthetics and his visions. His latest work is the futuristic PRE-LM001 which consists of what he says is a ”stylish , easy to wear and comfortable pieces that are breathable and exceptional on a lovely sunny, cozy or chilled day.”
You can follow Lucky on the following social media platforms:
Instagram – @luckymakume_official
Facebook – Keylahpunk.lucky
Twitter – @iamluckymakume
Main : @mujii_ngema36