Bantu Scope will be launching to the public on Heritage Day with ‘Concerning Violence’.
The 2014 film is a documentary film written and directed by Göran Olsson, narrated by Lauryn Hill. The powerful
documentary is based on Frantz Fanon’s essay, Concerning Violence, from his 1961 book The Wretched of the Earth.
Bantu Scope Cinema is a curated PAN African film segment that will take place periodically at Gallery Fanon.
The screenings will introduce independent filmmakers from across the Continent and the Diaspora. It will accent
thought-provoking content for film enthusiasts and the public alike.
Bantu Scope will be hosting their first screening of ‘Concerning Violence’ free of charge on Heritage Day at the following times:
Heritage Day, 24 September 2020
Screening 1: 14:00 – 15:30 – Limited to 50 tickets
Screening 2: 17:00 – 18:30 – Limited to 50 tickets
Get your tickets here.
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