When lyrics offer a helping hand
[Trigger warning: grief]
This weekend carried emotions that weighed heavy on our chests. It was heartbreaking. We cannot imagine a weekend that brought more devastating news. We received the news of the loss of a woman who was the epitome of kindness and a reminder that Ubuntu vastly spreads across our nation. And as a people, we were shocked by the news of a young woman’s loss of life. It pained us, a lot.
When we feel pain, we run to music to lend its comforting hand to us. Music provides us with the outlet to release everything crammed within. It functions as the therapist who has sat down with us for years and gives us more than just advice. Music is the therapist who guides us and actively helps us cope. There is an entire school of thought on music as therapy, but for the purposes of what we would like to share, we will publish a separate article on this at a later time.
Sedilaka- a plea for light
During this time of prayer, we would like to share a song by The Soil that offers us healing during times of darkness. It is important to note that we are not imposing our personal views on anyone, but rather sharing with you the lyrics that comfort us. Sedilaka by The Soil is always there for us. It is a prayer that asks for light to emit and drive out the darkness that hovers over one. The harmonies of the musical group become your voice when all darkness does is silence you. In addition, in asking for light we are asking for the guidance to exit the darkness. When we ask for light, we ask for life. The power of these lyrics has lifted every kind of heaviness sitting in our bodies. Music is healing. Music heals.
Feel free to share with us what songs (and lyrics) offer you a helping hand during times when all your body understands is grief.
Listen to Sedilaka here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiGr4mn0PjvAhWGOcAKHUfdD_0QtwIwAXoECAcQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoRYe39q1ros&usg=AOvVaw3wxx_gU7PPgk364pGaPWRY.