They say handbags are women’s best friend. Without the ideal handbag, no look is complete. One of Mzansi’s best local brands, GalXBoy recently dropped their embossed Dome Bags collection and by the look of things, they clearly understood the assignment.
The growth of the handbag business within the local space has been incredible. This is mainly because handbags have become an essential accessory in the fashion world and are often considered critical elements for a woman’s fashion and wardrobe.
We tapped into the brand’s website and realized that not only have they shifted from just being just a local brand, but an authentic one that can easily spar with big brands like Sissy Boy and even LV (at the right party).
Most ladies would agree that handbags are more than just an accessory. They have becomes essential lifesavers when it comes to accommodating all the items one might need on a daily basis.
Looking at the handbag, we can’t help but think of one way you can match it up with your outfit.. check it out belwo:
Gold-Glitted Fashion Nova Jumpsuite
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