The Netflix series entitled Unseen follows inconspicuous Zenzi Mwale’s (Gail Mabalane) perilous descent from cleaner to killer. The suspenseful six-part series is set to premiere on 29 March 2023.
Zenzi Mwale hides behind her identity as an unremarkable cleaning lady while desperately searching for her husband after he is released from prison. On a mission to uncover her missing husband’s whereabouts, Zenzi goes down a dangerous and destructive path littered with sinister characters who want to exploit her for their nefarious schemes.
Mabalane delivers an urgent performance as the increasingly desperate, yet determined Zenzi. She is joined by Vuyo Dabula, Ilse Klink, Rapulana Seiphemo, Dineo Langa, Brendon Daniels, Abduragman Adams, Shimmy Isaacs and Mothusi Magano as part of the series’ exceptional talent roster.
Cast & Crew
Production company: Gambit Films (production house behind the hit Netflix series Blood & Water)
Creator: Adaptation Created by Travis Taute and Daryne Joshua
Director: Travis Taute, Rolisizwe Nikiwe, Twiggy Matiwana
Executive producer: Bradley Joshua
Producers: Benjamin Overmeyer
Writer: Sean Drummond, Meesha Aboo and Tristram Atkins
Key Cast:
Gail Mabalane
Vuyo Dabula
Brendon Daniels
Hein de Vries
Ilse Klink
Mothusi Magano
Waldemar Schultz
Dineo Langa
Abduragman Adams
Shimmy Isaacs
Rapulana Seiphemo
Colin Moss
Shamilla Ismail Miller
Clifford Young
Lehasa Moloi
Photo credit: Netflix