The movie explores themes of structural issues in South Africa and the positions of power still maintained by these structures.
Vulture was a script that Infinity Pictures had been developing over the last few years. It was meant to be a live action script but with the advent of the lockdown they wanted to see if they could use the constraints of that to actually bring the film to life.
Grant Sissons, Creative Director at Infinity Pictures, said: ” A small cardboard stage was built from a discarded Nespresso machine box and then the images were drawn onto paper, glass and cardboard and then placed on the stage.
“The action was then filmed using an iPhone and makeshift lighting (cellphone placed over lamps). Scenes were then assembled in Final Cut and slowly the movie was pieced together. There was initially dialogue between the characters but it just didn’t work in the context of the animated piece and so we switched to voice over. The voice over was done via Whats App and then the movie finally came together.”
The movie explores themes of structural issues in South Africa and the positions of power still maintained by these structures. It looks at the
ways in which the characters are different but also explores the sense of loss they both share.
By the end of the film, the positions of power have shifted and we move forward into a different future.
Watch the animated film below.
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