Disney’s animated film Inside Out” has made a remarkable comeback with its sequel, “Inside Out 2,” capturing hearts and breaking records worldwide. The movie catches up with Riley, now a teenager, as she navigates the challenges of adolescence, taking a closer look at her emotional journey.
The original movie intoduced us to Riley’s core emotions – Joy, Sadness and Anger, who guided her through life’s ups and downs. In “Inside Out 2”, Riley’s emotional landscape expands with the addition of new emotions: Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Nostalgia, voiced by actors like Maya Hawke and Ayo Edebiri.
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The sequel’s success has been nothing short of extraordinary, breaking box office records in South Africa and globally. With domestic earnings reaching $861 million and an international total of $1.46 billion, “Inside Out 2” has surpassed previous hits like “Frozen II” and “Barbie” to become the 13th-highest-grossing film of all time.
The sequel’s success has been nothing short of extraordinary, breaking box office records in South Africa and globally. With domestic earnings reaching $861 million (R15.7 billion) and an international total of $1.46 Billion, “Inside Out 2” has surpassed previous hits like Frozen II and “Barbie” to become the 13th highest grossing film of all time.
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Notably, the film achieve the impressive milestone of crossing the $1 billion mark in just 19 days, making it the fastest animated film to reach this record. Audiences worldwide have been impressed by the storytelling, relatable characters and the exploration of emotions.