This past Friday, Netflix premiered “Soon Comes Night,” a thrilling six-part crime drama produced by Ochre Moving Pictures. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing rainbow nation in the 1990s, the series follows Alex Shabane, a former liberation hero turned heist king, portrayed by Kwenzo Ngcobo.
Joining him is Albert Pretorius, who plays Detective Sakkie Oosthuizen, a broken Apartheid cop seeking redemption. Their lives become intertwined in a gritty crime drama that shows the complexities of morality and blurs the lines between good and evil.
Directed by duo Thabang Moleya and Sanele Zulu, and produced by the brilliant Ilse van Hemert, “Soon Comes Night” portrays the stories of these two complex men, both determined to prove themselves.
The series draws inspiration from real events and a notorious heist legend, as it follows Alex Shabane’s return to South Africa. Disillusioned by the unfulfilled promises of war, Shabane turns to a life of crime in search of the rewards he was once promised.
“Soon Comes Night” takes us on a gripping adventure through the underbelly of South Africa’s criminal underworld. As the story unfolds, the series explores the challenges faced by its characters, their motivations, and the consequences of their actions. It shines a light on the moral dilemmas they encounter, blurring the lines between right and wrong.
For fans of crime dramas and those interested in the complex dynamics of morality, “Soon Comes Night” is a must-watch. With its storyline, stellar performances, and a glimpse into a tumultuous period in South Africa’s past, the series is sure to leave a lasting impression.