Cow Mash’s solo exhibition, “RE GONA” at Berman Contemporary named after Candice Berman, Art Gallery, takes us into Cow’s exploration of her Sepedi lineage and community. The exhibition showcases a series of sculptures that offer an insight into Mash’s ancestral ties and cultural roots.
The title of the exhibition, “RE GONA,” translates to “We are here” in response to the question “How are you?” in Sepedi. This reflects the idea that in Sepedi culture, individuals are seen as part of a larger community, emphasizing the importance of unity and support among people. Mash’s sculptures intentionally portray we-ness, drawing inspiration from her family, community, and religious beliefs.
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A central theme in the exhibition is the figure of the woman farmer, symbolizing strength and resilience. Mash’s ‘Udderly’ sculptures blend cow imagery with the female form, paying homage to her agricultural heritage and celebrating the dynamics of her lineage.
Cow’s deliberate choice to use black as the sole colour palette in her work adds a layer to her exploration of Black womanhood. Through her art, she reflects on the challenges and resilience of Black people, offering a poignant commentary on societal issues and personal experiences.
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In her own words, Mash explains that her work goes through the complexities of existing as a Black woman in today’s world, putting together both the weight and the strength, growth, and transformation that come with that identity.
Don’t miss the opportunity to experience “RE GONA” at Berman Contemporary before it concludes on April 14th.