Inspired by the life of struggle icon Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the 36-minute short film Joko Ya Hao tells the story of Nozizwe, a deeply spiritual Christian woman whose convictions lead her to defy the gender norms of the 1950s and those who believe women don’t belong in politics, leaving her village in Gracetown to fight the oppressive regime and seek help for her people.
Nominated for a 2020 SAFTA for Best Short Film, Joko Ya Hao is directed by SAFTA-winner Mmabatho Montsho (Thula’s Vine) and stars SAMA-winning songstress Simphiwe Dana alongside the likes of Jet Novuka (Uzalo, Yizo Yizo), Khanya Mkangisa (The Queen), Elliot Makhubo (Rhythm City) and Wandile Molebatsi (A Million Colours).
Joko Ya Hao, named after a popular hymn which translates to “your load”, is set in Gracetown during the forced removals of black South Africans in the 1950s by the apartheid regime.
Simphiwe Dana plays Nozizwe, an aspiring preacher who, after failing to be ordained as a pastor because she is a woman, becomes a symbol of resistance and an anchor for the oppressed.
View the trailer below.
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